
Putting EJ into Practice: Connecting Grassroots Activism, Research, Community Investment

This action-oriented speaker panel and Q&A bringing together distinguished researchers and grassroots activists for environmental justice. Panelists will explore practical approaches to integrating environmental justice with grassroots activism and scientific research, emphasizing collaborative strategies and digital media approaches for meaningful community investment and sustainable change.

About the Panelists:

Connie Valencia, MPH, CHES, PhD

Sustainability Solutions Community Engagement Fellow, Environmental Justice Research Lab, Department of Population and Public Health Sciences in the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California

Robin Greenfield:

Grassroots environmental activist focused on simple living, anti-exploitation, and community building, reaching an audience of over 1 million people across digital platforms. His activism has been covered by media worldwide, having been dubbed “The Robin Hood of Modern Times” by France 2 TV and “The Forrest Gump of Ecology”

Elizabeth Kamai, MSPH, PHD

Environmental epidemiologist and Research Scientist at the Environmental Justice Lab with expertise in community engagement and research translation, with roles including management of the Maternal And Developmental Risks from Environmental and Social Stressors (MADRES) Center for Environmental Health Disparities.


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