Integrative Health Sciences Facility Core


The Integrative Health Sciences Facility Core (IHSFC) provides directed access to laboratory capabilities and expertise to support and enhance clinical and translational research projects. Center investigators can draw upon tools and methodologies through a multi-faceted approach that integrates clinical and population-based research in humans, molecular epidemiology and genetics, and animal and in vitro models.

Core Services

Study Logical Support

  • Pre-study consultations, e.g. database & questionnaire development

  • Cohort tracking and management, facilitated access to human population resources

  • Guidance through human subjects training and institutional review board (IRB) approval process

  • Advice on quality assurance and other aspects of study planning

  • With the Biostatistics Facility Core — consultations on study analytical design and power with respect to data generated from biological assays

Health Outcomes Assessment

  • Assess to a broad range of assessment protocols, quality-controlled measurements and instrumentation, including:

    • Standardized sociodemographic documentation

    • Physiologic ascertainment - e.g. lung function, cortisol level, airway hyper-responsiveness

    • Anthropometric determinations - e.g. body mass index, body composition by DXA and MRI scan

    • Health status - e.g. asthma, allergy, obesity, and metabolic syndrome

Poster Printing Services

  • Printing of conference posters is available for a fee

Selected Equipment and Software

Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • Applied Biosystems 7900HT Real-Time PCR System (TaqMan)

  • Applied Biosystems GeneAmp PCR System 9700

  • Agilent 2200 Tape Station

  • BioRad Gel Doc EZ imager

  • Gel electrophoresis system

  • Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 2000 spectrophotometer

  • Binder Oven

  • Labnet Vortemp 56 incubator/shaker

  • Molecular Devices SpectraMax M2 microplate reader

  • Savant SpeedVac vacuum concentrator

  • Pyrosequencing PSQ HS 96

  • Arcturus Laser-Capture Micro-Dissection system (Pixcell Ile)

  • Large capacity sample storage freezer farm (-80°C and -20°C freezers with web-enabled monitoring alarm system)

Molecular Biology Support

  • Protocol development, performance of collection and processing of environmental and biological samples

  • Performance and interpretation of assorted molecular biology assays

  • With the Exposure Factors Facility Core — temporary or archival cold storage for collected environmental samples

  • Interface between other facilities offering testing platforms for:

  • Genotyping on genome-wide and candidate loci scales

    • Epigenomic characterization

    • Expression profiling

    • metabolomics

    • Expression profiling and proteomics capabilities relevant to environmental health science research

    • Tissue specific measurements of chemicals

  • Facilitated access for other methods not available in-house, e.g. animal and in vitro models and exposure facilities

Health Outcomes Laboratory

  • Morgan Scientific ScreenStar Spirometry Systems with ComPAS Software

  • Morgan Instruments Spiro-Air LT Rolling Seal Spirometers

  • Eco-Medics CLD88 FeNO Analyzers with DENOX 88 NO Filtration

  • Eco-Medics DENOX 88 NO-Free Air Calibration Systems

  • Biosound Esaote MyLab 25 Portable Ultrasound Systems

  • Volumetric calibration syringes

  • Omron HEM-907XL Clinical Digital Blood Pressure Monitor

  • Tanita digital scales

  • Phillips CX50 Ultrasound Machine

  • EchoMRI Adolescent Humans Body Composition Analyzer

  • Mobile Health Clinic: 34-foot motor home with onboard power, water, refrigerator, storage areas, counter space, restroom, and two office workspaces

Accessing the Integrative Health Sciences Facility Core Services

Investigators are able to receive consultations and utilize SCEHSC services based on the following prioritization:

  1. SCEHSC Pilot Project award recipients

  2. SCEHSC members

  3. SCEHSC affiliate members

  4. Investigators outside of the SCEHSC

Initial consultations and staff time are provided on a no-cost basis to Center investigators. Further consultation and services are charged at rates varying by Facility Core. SCEHSC members and pilot awardees receive discounted rates and no charges are provided to community partners.

Investigators seeking to access Core services should directly contact the respective Core Directors with their anticipated project needs.