Biostatistics Facility Core (BFC)


In this big data world, the Biostatistics Facility Core (BFC) provides Center investigators with critical access to appropriate hardware, computational, and statistical resources. The BFC supports Center investigators’ research through consultation about study design for human subjects and experimental research, statistical methodology advice, and assistance with various statistical applications.

Core Services

Statistical Support

  • Advice on development of appropriate study designs, sample size/power calculations, statistical methods

  • Implementation of appropriate statistical methods and software

    and proper interpretation of results

  • Selected areas of statistical support

    • Multilevel models

    • High-dimensional feature selection

    • Integrative omics analyses

    • Interaction and mediation analyses

    • Exposure mixture analyses

Bioinformatics Support

  • Consultation on and access to bioinformatics systems and data sources (e.g. Gene Ontology, the Cancer Genome Atlast)

  • With the IHSFC- Design and analysis of studies utilizing high-volume omics technologies

Other Support

  • Development and maintenance of software programs to facilitate research activities

  • Computer hardware support to facilitate data storage, sharing, and analyses

  • Support for educational activities in the form of:

    • Seminars and workshops on the application of statistics and computational methods to environmental health research questions

    • Biostatistical, genomic, and exposure assessment training modules and datasets for graduate courses and extramural education programs led by center investigators

Accessing the Biostatistics Facility Core Services

Investigators are able to receive consultations and utilize SCEHSC services based on the following prioritization:

  1. SCEHSC Pilot Project award recipients

  2. SCEHSC members

  3. SCEHSC affiliate members

  4. Investigators outside of the SCEHSC

Initial consultations and staff time are provided on a no-cost basis to Center investigators. Further consultation and services are charged at rates varying by Facility Core. SCEHSC members and pilot awardees receive discounted rates and no charges are provided to community partners.

Investigators seeking to access Core services should directly contact the respective Core Directors with their anticipated project needs.