Community Participatory Air Monitoring

  • A variety of monitoring tools & resources are used by the Community Engagement team in their work with community groups in the Los Angeles area.

    Selected examples include:

    Truck Counts for Community Power Building

    During this webinar, we look at how community collected and owned data can reveal the disparities within communities when it comes to heavily trafficked roads. You’ll learn the practical steps to implementing a truck count in your community. Links to practical resources are also shared.


    A Day in the Life

    An air monitoring & storytelling program combining low cost sensor use with photos and videos


    South Coast Air Quality Management District: AB 617 Community Air Monitoring

    Webpage | Map

    AirCasting and AirBeam Operations Manual

    Wendy Gutschow, USC Environmental Health Centers

    PDF link

    What were the levels of PM 2.5 on a particular day or week in the region?

    California Air Resources Board Air Quality Data Query Tool


    Do you want to see what some of the PurpleAir stationary PM 2.5 monitors are reading at a given time?

    PurpleAir monitors in the Los Angeles area
